Current Auction
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Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5084 ALBANIA Montenegro Region 1942 (25 Mar) picture postcard ("Ulcin (Dulcigno)") to Torino, franked with pair of 5q green, tied by "Dulqin" cds, fine and scarce usage (during World War One, the present day town of Ulcinj was occupied by Austria, then Italy, and became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1920. From 1941-44 Ulcinj was under the Albanian administration and reverted to Yugoslavia after the war)
| $1,500.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5085 ALBANIA Montenegro Region 1943 (23 July) registered cover to Banja Luka, Croatia, franked with 2x10q,15q,30q, tied by "Rozhaj" double circle departure cds, paying proper 15q letter and 50q Registry fee, with corresponding registry label, opened and resealed by Italian censor, with Brindisi transit and Banja Luka arrival pmks on back (showing return address "Rozhoje, Kosove, Albania"). An uncommon usage from this very small Rozhaj post office (only 15 letters posted according to official report noted in Phipps handbook)
| $1,700.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5086 ALBANIA Montenegro Region 1943 (7 Feb) registered cover addressed to the Red Cross in Geneva, franked with single 65q red brown, tied by double circle "Dulqin" cds, with corresponding Registry label (showing "ULQIN"), opened and resealed by Italian censor, Shkodre and Milano transits, Geneva (15.III.43) arrival pmks, fine registered usage from present-day Ulcinj
| $1,800.00 Bidding Closed |
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